
Boiler Water Treatment

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Course Details

  • Course Code: W1
  • Course Duration: 1 Day
  • *Course Fee: £395 (+VAT)

Who is it for?

Boiler house managers and operators involved in managing the water quality of their boilers.

What is it about

This course is deigned to explain why water treatment of steam plant helps to ensure it operates safely and efficiency. The aim is to provide delegates with the knowledge and information to help manage and treat the system effectively. It will also help with managing any third party water treatment contractors you use.



  • Develop a practical guide to water treatment operations
  • Understand the importance of water treatment guidelines, including BG04
  • Develop schemes to prevent scale, corrosion and fouling
  • Understand chemical dosing requirements
  • 知道如何放入锅炉水处理策略




The course starts at 9:00am and finishes at approx 4:30pm

Additonal Information

This course is run in collaboration with WCS Group.


开始日期 Duration Location Register
13/10/2021 1天

Write to us

Spirax Sarco, UK Steam Technology Centre, Charlton House, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 8ER

01242 535 211

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